Department of Fluid Mechanics

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Research Fields

Department of Fluid Mechanics is dealing with investigations in fluid mechanics, also as a member of international projects on related problems as vehicle aerodynamics, modeling of turbulent fluid flows, CFD, turbulence modeling, acoustics, membrane techniques, wind tunnel measurements, and recent experimental techniques like LDV, PIV, PTV(S), PALLAS, etc.

Wind Tunnel Investigations

The main experimental facilities of the Department of Fluid Mechanics are the vertical and horizontal wind tunnels. These are suitable for the investigation of flow induced forces and flows around vehicles and buildings and other structures. These wind tunnels are available for atmospheric boundary layer simulation, sand erosion tests, force and moment measurements, vehicle aerodynamics,  flow visualization, calibration of flow meters, pollutant dispersion studies, concentration measurements, modeling of pollutant dispersion in urban environment, etc.


Conditions of use of our wind tunnels

Our wind tunnels and measurement equipment are available for research and measurement for external (industrial) contractors, for other universities and research institutions and for other units of BME as well. If the research or measurement task has to be carried out by the Department of Fluid Mechanics of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, we are ready to discuss the technical content of the job and prepare a quotation individually for you. In case of contractors from the industry, we prefer this solution.

However, it is also possible to do your own measurements in our wind tunnels. In this case, our colleagues are only responsible for setting and measuring the wind speed. For the actual conditions of use, click on the link below.


Environmental processes

The interest of the staff of the Department is directed towards environmental process research by environmental problems of our time. So the Department is employed in investigations and development of dust removing and ventilation systems,  measuring of gas with dust load, investigation on pollutant dispersion, acoustical measurement and noise protection.

Fluid machinery

There are serious traditions in this field. The main activities are design of air curtain, development of ventilators, computation of pipe flow of  multiphase and non-newtonian mediums, computer simulations of pipe network and pipeline transient, finding out of pipeline infiltration and other faults by means of hydraulic signals, measurement and simulations of displacement compressor induced gas oscillation.

CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics)

With the development of information technology and computer science, furthermore the advancement of scientific computing applications, CFD has become established soon in our Department. Our Department is working on advanced design, research, and development projects, we are in possession of several educational, academic, and industrial licenses of the market leader ANSYS-FLUENT CFD software.

Our expertise

The following keywords are representative for our Research & Development activity.

  • Computational Fluid Dynamics

  • Model development

  • Turbulence modeling

  • Wind tunnel testing

  • Atmospheric flows

  • Pollutant dispersion

  • Building and environmental aerodynamics

  • Acoustics and Aeroacoustics

  • Turbomachinery

  • Beamforming

  • Vehicle & sports aerodynamics

  • ESP modelling, particle dynamics

  • Laser-optical flow measurement techniques

  • Fluids engineering related to thermofluid machinery

  • Marine renewable energy

  • Nonlinear hydrodynamic modelling

  • Numerical wave tank development

  • Wave energy conversion

  • System simulation

  • Green energy – Wind Turbine Optimization

  • Nonlinear Dynamics