Department of Fluid Mechanics

Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

The educational activity of the Department is organized as a synergy of the following main directions: deduction through theoretical and experimental considerations, simulation techniques, laboratory measurements. The Department is responsible for the following groups of subjects: aerodynamics, fluid mechanics, fluid mechanics measurements, turbomachinery, building aerodynamics, gas dynamics, industrial ventilation, vehicle aerodynamics, environmental protection, air pollution, engineering meteorology, acoustics, acoustics measurement, large eddy simulation, computational fluid dynamics, turbulence modeling, multiphase and reactive flows, water treatment, noise protection.

Our Department is partially responsible for the following specializations:

- BSc level: mechanical engineering - process engineering and mechanical engineering development specializations; mechatronics - mechanical engineering modeling and integrated engineering specialization.

- MSc level: energetics engineering; mechanical engineering - fluid mechanics specialization; building engineering; mechanical engineering modeling - fluid mechanics specialization.

Our Department takes part in the PhD courses organized by the Pattantyús-Ábrahám Géza Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering.

Our educational work includes channeling industrial R&D projects' feedback into our practice-oriented courses through industrial case studies, on-site work, laboratory and project tasks. We have active international cooperations with Italian, British, and German universities that offer exchange programs for students.

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