Current research
János Vad - NKFI K 143204: Concerted acoustic and aerodynamic analysis on unmanned aerial vehicles for establishing new guidelines on noise reduction
Tamás Kalmár-Nagy - NKFI K 137726: Stability and Performance of Interconnected Systems: From Networked Control Systems to Fluid Dynamics
Gergely Kristóf - NKFI K 124439: Air quality oriented urban design strategies (2017-2021)
János Vad - NKFI K 129023: Elaboration of new methods for noise mapping of ducted axial fans (2018-2022)
VEKOP 2.3.3-15-2017-00017: Establishment of an Atmospheric Flow Laboratory
Josh Davidson - H2020-MSCA-Widening Fellowship, Marie Curie grant: Nonlinear Rock and Roll - Modelling and Control of Parametric Resonance in Wave Energy Devices (2019-2021)
Márton Balczó - NKFI PD 127919: Application and validation of measurement techniques related to the physical modelling of the atmospheric boundary layer in a new boundary layer wind tunnel (2018-2021)
Csaba Horváth - Hungarian Academy of Sciences János Bolyai Research Scholarship (2017-2020)