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- Dr. Davidson Josh
![[Dr. Davidson Josh ]](/img/upload/person/photo_jd_croped_480x480.jpg)
Fogadóóra: Hétfő 12:00-13:00
Végzettség, cím, tanulmányok
PhD 2016 Dept of Engineering and Physical Sciences, James Cook University, Australia
B.Sc (Physics) 2007 Dept of Maths, Physics and I.T., James Cook University, Australia
Publikációs lista 59
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Porous medium-based PTO damping and overset mesh motion: A combined approach for effective OpenFOAM® simulations of floating OWCs — APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH 0141-1187 1879-1549 (2025)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Exploiting Axisymmetry to Optimize CFD Simulations—Heave Motion and Wave Radiation of a Spherical Buoy — SYMMETRY (BASEL) 2073-8994 16/9 (2024)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Habib Giuseppe (műszaki mechanika);Kalmár-Nagy Tamás (Áramlástan, Elméleti és alkalmazott mechanika): Nonlinear kinematics of a moored axisymmetric wave energy converter — 842-849 old. (2022)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Habib Giuseppe (műszaki mechanika);Kalmár-Nagy Tamás (Áramlástan, Elméleti és alkalmazott mechanika): Parametric resonance in floating bodies - Comparing monochromatic and polychromatic input waves — 936-937 old. (2022)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): A Review on the Modelling of Wave-Structure Interactions Based on OpenFOAM — OpenFOAM® Journal 2753-8168 116-142 old. (2022)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Habib Giuseppe (műszaki mechanika);Kalmár-Nagy Tamás (Áramlástan, Elméleti és alkalmazott mechanika): Parametric excitation suppression in a floating cylinder via dynamic vibration absorbers: a comparative analysis — NONLINEAR DYNAMICS 0924-090X 1573-269X 1081-1108 old. (2022)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Habib Giuseppe (műszaki mechanika): Coexisting attractors in floating body dynamics undergoing parametric resonance — ACTA MECHANICA 0001-5970 1619-6937 2351-2367 old. (2022)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): On the Importance of High–Fidelity Numerical Modelling of Ocean Wave Energy Converters under Controlled Conditions — 31-38 old. (2022)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Lelkes János (Áramlástan és hőtan);Kalmár-Nagy Tamás (Áramlástan, Elméleti és alkalmazott mechanika): Modelling of Parametric Resonance for Heaving Buoys with Position-Varying Waterplane Area — JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2077-1312 9/11 (2021)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Focused wave interactions with floating structures: a blind comparative study — PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-ENGINEERING AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 1755-0777 1755-0785 174/1 46-61 old. (2021)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Opening the air-chamber of an oscillating water column spar buoy wave energy converter to avoid parametric resonance — IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION 1752-1416 1752-1424 15/14 3109-3125 old. (2021)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Numerical analysis of the hydrodynamic scaling effects for the Wavestar wave energy converter — JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES 0889-9746 1095-8622 (2021)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Horváth Csaba (Áramlástan): Highly Accurate Experimental Heave Decay Tests with a Floating Sphere: A Public Benchmark Dataset for Model Validation of Fluid–Structure Interaction — ENERGIES 1996-1073 1996-1073 14/2 (2021)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Assessing the validity of regular wave theory in a short physical wave flume using particle image velocimetry — EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE 0894-1777 1879-2286 (2021)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Development of an impulse-source-based wave-current interaction model — 3202-3212 old. (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Blowing the Top on Parametric Resonance: Relief Valve Control for the Stabilisation of an OWC Spar Buoy — (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Beyond VoF: alternative OpenFOAM solvers for numerical wave tanks — JOURNAL OF OCEAN ENGINEERING AND MARINE ENERGY 2198-6452 2198-6452 2198-6444 6/3 277-292 old. (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Investigation of Turbulence Modeling for Point-Absorber-Type Wave Energy Converters — ENERGIES 1996-1073 1996-1073 14/1 (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Wave-structure interaction of wave energy converters: a sensitivity analysis — PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-ENGINEERING AND COMPUTATIONAL MECHANICS 1755-0777 1755-0785 173/3 144-158 old. (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Validation of a CFD-Based Numerical Wave Tank Model of the 1/20th Scale Wavestar Wave Energy Converter — FLUIDS 2311-5521 2311-5521 5/3 (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Kalmár-Nagy Tamás (Áramlástan, Elméleti és alkalmazott mechanika): A Real-Time Detection System for the Onset of Parametric Resonance in Wave Energy Converters — JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2077-1312 8/10 (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Horváth Csaba (Áramlástan): OWC-k szimulációjához szükséges hullámmedence CFD vizsgálata [The CFD analysis of watertank necessary for the simulation of OWCs] — 153-156 old. (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): A Blind Comparative Study of Focused Wave Interactions with Floating Structures (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3) — INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING 1053-5381 1053-5381 30/1 1-10 old. (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3: CFD-Based Numerical Wave Tank Experiments Employing an Impulse Source Wave Maker — INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE AND POLAR ENGINEERING 1053-5381 1053-5381 30/1 28-35 old. (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Efficient Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Models for Wave Energy Converter Design-A Scoping Study — JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2077-1312 8/1 (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Habib Giuseppe (műszaki mechanika);Kalmár-Nagy Tamás (Áramlástan, Elméleti és alkalmazott mechanika): Nonlinear Dynamic and Kinematic Model of a Spar-Buoy: Parametric Resonance and Yaw Numerical Instability — JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2077-1312 8/7 (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): A critical comparison of excitation force estimators for wave-energy devices — IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY 1063-6536 1558-0865 28/6 2263-2275 old. (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Validation of a CFD-based numerical wave tank model for the power production assessment of the wavestar ocean wave energy converter — RENEWABLE ENERGY 0960-1481 1879-0682 2499-2516 old. (2020)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Contribution to the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 3: Analysis of scaling effects of moored point-absorber wave energy converters in a CFD-based numerical wave tank — 3051-3058 old. (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Evaluation of Energy Maximising Control Systems for Wave Energy Converters Using OpenFOAM (R) — 157-171 old. (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): On the importance of advanced mesh motion methods for WEC experiments in CFD-based numerical wave tanks — 145-156 old. (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Evaluation of the overset grid method for control studies of wave energy converters in OpenFOAM numerical wave tanks — JOURNAL OF OCEAN ENGINEERING AND MARINE ENERGY 2198-6452 2198-6452 2198-6444 5/1 55-70 old. (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Validation of a CFD-based numerical wave tank of the Wavestar WEC — 439-446 old. (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Dynamic mesh motion in OpenFOAM for wave energy converter simulation — (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Contribution to the CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 2: CFD-based numerical wave tank experiments employing an impulse source wave maker — (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): On the Assessment of Numerical Wave Makers in CFD Simulations — JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2077-1312 7/2 (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): The Efficient Application of an Impulse SourceWavemaker to CFD Simulations — JOURNAL OF MARINE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING 2077-1312 7/3 (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Identification of dynamic models for a wave energy converter from experimental data — OCEAN ENGINEERING 0029-8018 1873-5258 426-436 old. (2019)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): High-fidelity numerical modelling of ocean wave energy systems: A review of computational fluid dynamics-based numerical wave tanks — RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS 1364-0321 1879-0690 610-630 old. (2018)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan);Kalmár-Nagy Tamás (Áramlástan, Elméleti és alkalmazott mechanika): Nonlinear rock and roll - Modelling and control of parametric resonances in wave energy devices — 21-22 old. (2018)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Development of an impulse source-based wave-current interaction (WCI) model — (2018)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Performance assessment of the overset grid method for numerical wave tank experiments in the OpenFOAM environment — (2018)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): A high-fidelity wave-to-wire simulation platform for wave energy converters: Coupled numerical wave tank and power take-off models — APPLIED ENERGY 0306-2619 1872-9118 655-669 old. (2018)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Adaptive Control of a Wave Energy Converter — IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 1949-3029 1949-3037 9/4 1588-1595 old. (2018)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Assessment of Numerical Wave Makers — (2017)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Adaptive control of a wave energy converter simulated in a numerical wave tank — (2017)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Mathematical modelling of mooring systems for wave energy converters - A review — ENERGIES 1996-1073 1996-1073 10/5 (2017)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Identifying Models Using Recorded Data — 123-147 old. (2016)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Identification of Wave Energy Device Models From Numerical Wave Tank Data—Part 2: Data-Based Model Determination — IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 1949-3029 1949-3037 7/3 1020-1027 old. (2016)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Identification of wave energy device models from numerical wave tank data - Part 1: Numerical wave tank identification tests — IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY 1949-3029 1949-3037 7/3 1012-1019 old. (2016)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Identification of nonlinear excitation force kernels using numerical wave tank experiments — (2015)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Optimising numerical wave tank tests for the parametric identification of wave energy device models — (2015)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Implementation of an OpenFOAM Numerical Wave Tank for Wave Energy Experiments — (2015)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Linear parametric hydrodynamic models for ocean wave energy converters identified from numerical wave tank experiments — OCEAN ENGINEERING 0029-8018 1873-5258 31-39 old. (2015)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Numerical wave tank identification of nonlinear discrete time hydrodynamic models — 279-286 old. (2015)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Comparison of numerical simulations with experimental measurements for the response of a modified submerged horizontal cylinder moored in waves — (2014)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Thermal energy harvesting for wireless sensor nodes with case studies — 221-242 old. (2010)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Energy Options for Wireless Sensor Nodes — SENSORS 1424-8220 8/12 8037-8066 old. (2008)
- Davidson Joshua Patrick (Áramlástan): Adaptive vibration energy harvesting — (2007)
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